career counselling

Explore your career options with our team of certified career counsellors. Whether you’re a student
exploring different career paths or a professional seeking a career change, we provide personalized
guidance to help you make informed decisions.

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best careers for the future by studying linear

What is Career Counseling by Study Linear?

Career counseling is a vital aspect of personal and professional development, guiding individuals in making informed decisions about their careers. In today's fast-paced and competitive world, career counseling by Study Linear emerges as a crucial tool in helping individuals navigate through their career paths effectively.

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Why career counseling?

When you think about your job, you’re also thinking about your life. There are lots of things to think about before you decide. Career Counselors can help you understand yourself better. They help you figure out what you’re good at, what you’re not so good at, what you like, and what you’re interested in. They don’t pick for you, but they give you good advice and information to help you decide on your own. They can tell you about jobs you might not have heard of before. They also use tests to learn more about you and give you suggestions.

Why study linear company?

Choosing StudyLinear for career counseling is a smart move because they make things super easy to understand. They really care about helping you figure out what you want to do with your future. Their counselors are like friendly guides who listen to your dreams and help you find the right path. Plus, they have loads of experience and know all about different careers and educational opportunities.

What we offer that others don’t:

  1. We talk with you and your parents individually to help understand your needs better.
  2. We encourage you to check out lots of different career options before deciding.
  3. We help you plan out your ideal path—where you want to study and what you want to study.
  4. We don’t choose for you, but we make sure you have all the info you need to choose wisely.
  5. We teach you about the world and what to think about when making big decisions.
  6. We don’t favor any specific schools or programs, so we can give you fair advice.
  7. Our counselors are experts who really focus on helping you sort through your thoughts.
  8. If you need it, we can help you with the application process.
  9. We give you a bunch of useful links to start exploring different careers.
  10. We keep checking in until you’ve made your decision.
  11. We help you come up with backup plans.
  12. We encourage you to try out things related to your interests to help you decide.
Outcomes of Career Ready:

For individuals:

  • We help you become independent, think freely, and enhance your chances of getting a job or moving around easily.
  • We boost your confidence, courage, emotional intelligence, self-esteem, and help you realize your full potential.
  • We encourage lifelong learning, always seeking new knowledge through reading, courses, and becoming an expert in your field.
  • We guide you to discover your purpose in life, your “Ikigai,” your reason for being.

For professionals:

  • We help you become a technical expert in a STEM field, making you more employable.
  • We assist you in building a strong professional network through platforms like LinkedIn.

For Indians:

  • We facilitate increased mobility by breaking down barriers.
  • We promote understanding, love, and empathy towards India and its people.
  • We encourage giving back and making a positive impact, fostering a sense of global citizenship.


steps to get career ready

Step 1 – Get to know each other

First, we’ll introduce ourselves and what we offer, explaining why we do what we do. This is a chance for us to get to know each other. You’ll create a digital profile on your studylinear Account so we can work together effectively. We’ll also listen to you and your parents, seeing if you agree on your career path or if there are different ideas. We’ll make sure your career plans are realistic and relevant for the future.

Step 2 – Discover Yourself

Next, we’ll help you understand yourself better. You’ll take some tests to learn more about your personality and interests. The results will help us create a personalized Career Report for you to refer to when making decisions about your future.

Step 3 – Learn About the World

Now, it’s time to learn about the world around you. We’ll provide information on opportunities, immigration, skills, and more. You’ll also get an overview of the application process so you know where to start building your profile.

Step 4 – Gain Clarity

In this stage, we’ll help you gain clarity about your interests, skills, and personality. After receiving your Career Report, we’ll discuss it in detail together. Any questions you have will be answered, giving you a clear understanding of yourself.

Step 5 – Explore Careers

Here, we’ll help you explore different career options based on your report. You’ll delve deeper into your chosen paths, experiencing them firsthand by visiting workplaces, meeting professionals, taking online courses, or interning. This will help you narrow down your choices.

Step 6 – Finalize Your Plan

Finally, we’ll assist you in finalizing your Career Plan, outlining the steps you need to take to achieve your goals. By this stage, you’ll have a clear idea of your career path and which country you want to pursue it in.

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